read our full 2021 Report.

Making All Things New: 

And He who was seated on the throne said, ‘Behold, I am making all things new.’ Also He said, ‘Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true’” (Rev. 21:5).

For Christians struggling near the end of the first century, these were words of hope that summarized the message of Revelation. God is in control. The Lamb reigns. Even amidst terrible suffering, He would be with His people, and they would ultimately emerge victorious. As the coronavirus pandemic we hoped to leave behind continued to inflict pain all throughout 2021, we needed this reminder: God is still making all things new.

In Georgetown, SC, we saw for ourselves that these words are trustworthy and true. In 2021, seven friends and family members of all different ages, races, and backgrounds put on Christ in baptism. God’s word was shared in-person and online more than ever before through over 600 different sermons, Bible studies, devotionals, and articles. And we didn’t just hear: we obeyed, giving ourselves first to the Lord through prayer and fasting and then by contributing over $94,000 to works advancing God’s kingdom all around the world.

In a year of so much uncertainty and loss, when it so often felt that the world took two steps back for every step forward, the Georgetown church of Christ experienced renewal. We experienced renewal in spirit as we sought a stronger connection to God in study, prayer, and priority and discovered new opportunities. We experienced renewal in relationship as we forged closer bonds through how we worked together and sought to share Jesus through every connection. During an absolute onslaught of negative headlines, our church family became an active part of how God is making “all things work together for good” (Rom. 8:28).

Our Mission Report 2021 provides us with an opportunity to praise God for all that He has done among us and to perceive the new things He has caused to spring forth through it all (cf. Isa. 43:19). As we do, we can look to the year ahead with hope. God is making all things new, and He isn’t done yet. Neither are we.

read our full 2021 Report.